Boxer, The
Anna Katherine Nicholas
Order #B-BOX302
Reg. $24.95 4M Price $21.95
Boxer, The
Somerfield & Statford
1989 / photos / UK
Order #B-BOX901 $34.95
Boxer *
AKC Breed Video
Order #B-BOX101 VT $24.95
Boxer *
Champions 1952-1987
Order #B-BOX201 SC $36.95
Boxer-An Owner's Guide to a Happy, Healthy Pet*
Stephanie Abraham
Order #B-BOX411 $12.95
Boxer Blueprint
Daniel & Jean Buchwald
Detailed discussion of the Boxer breed standard.
Serves to clarify any cloudy issues that may
exist about the standard. Includes appendix on
how to evaluate puppies and young dogs.
102 pp. / 1990
Order #B-BOX801 $25.95
Boxers #
Beverly Pisano
Order #B-BOX301 $9.95
Boxers-An Owner's Companion
Ivor Ward-Davies
1991 / UK
Order #B-BOX215 $39.95
Boxers Today
Jo Royle
The British author traces the history of the
Boxer from its early days in Germany to its
present role as an impressive show dog and
a noble, loyal, family companion, including
advice on diet, training, breeding, health.
176 pp. / 100 photos / 1994 / UK
Order #B-BOX401 $24.95
Gerald Durrell
Beautifully illustrated children's story about
a boxer who protects his animal friends at
the zoo.
color illus. / 2nd/1996
Order #B-BOX902 $12.95
New Boxer **
Billie McFadden
256 pp. / 200 photos / illus. / HWL-1989
Order #B-BOX402 $27.95
New Owner's Guide to Boxers *
Richard Tomita
Order #B-BOX325 $12.95
Sieg the Magnificent
Ann Gilbert
The magic bond between a boy and his dog
is the foundation of this book. Learn how
Sieg's love for his young master helps the
boy recover from a terrible tragedy. Expe-
rience the struggle Scott and his parents
endure as he fights his way back to the world
of the living like a whole person. Thrill with
Scott and his Boxer as they discover and conquer
the exciting and wonderful world of dog shows.
103 pp.
Order #B-BOX802 SC $13.75
Out-of-Print, In Stock
Boxer, The
Dan Gordon
various editions
Order #B-BOX1001 $5.95
Boxer, The
Joan P. Wagner
Order #B-BOX1002 $14.95
Boxer Handbook, The
Joan Dunkels
Order #B-BOX1003 $18.95
Judging the Boxer
Enno Meyer
2nd/1951 / UK
Order #B-BOX1004 $19.95